There is no comparison between the beauty of the lemon cultivation. From a distance, the black spots on the body to reduce acne or wrinkles under control, everything is possible. Take a look at the details of the black spots on the body with lemon decorator to arrange this strategy so pathetic. Let us assume, then, how do you use?

1) Lemon anti-bacterial and anti-viral material enhances the body's immune system. Sunburn can fix the skin of the lemon.

2) the lemon skin fold and purged of anti-oxidants. Vitamin C or lemon ayakane acne-causing bacteria away.

3) significant elements of aromatherapy with lime. Bayasajanita of lemon juice to cure facial scars. Whelk rapid decline in the use of lemon juice.

4) elbow, knee, ankle of lime to remove dirt. Ruksabhaba hands and feet to remove the rice powder mixed with lemon juice and apply on your hands.

5.) equivalent to remove the skin feeling oily mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply it on the face with the help of cotton. Oily skin feeling refreshed skin will be removed. If planting in combination with the fire, but quick wash. In that case, extra dry skin may lemons.

6) to remove the excess oil from the skin quite effective mixture of lemon juice and milk. A large part of half the lemon juice to cut. Now with 10 tablespoons of liquid milk and mix well. Slowly massage the face, wash after 1520 minutes. Lemon oil, skin moisturizer keeps skin away and milk. This mixture must be careful around the eyes.

7) If an egg white with one tablespoon of lemon juice and half of the orange-like paste of lemon juice mixed with warm water and apply on the skin. 0 minutes. After the dry wash in cold water. Oily skin coloring as well as the brightness increases.

8) Take out the juice of a large lemon, cut in half. Then mix two tablespoons of honey mixed in the face, leave it for 15 minutes. Wash in cold water tightness of the skin coloring. Honey skin will be bright. Lemon natural skin bleaching times will be more fair.

Any black body stain with lemon, please

There is no comparison between the beauty of the lemon cultivation. From a distance, the black spots on the body to reduce acne or wrinkles under control, everything is possible. Take a look at the details of the black spots on the body with lemon decorator to arrange this strategy so pathetic. Let us assume, then, how do you use?

1) Lemon anti-bacterial and anti-viral material enhances the body's immune system. Sunburn can fix the skin of the lemon.

2) the lemon skin fold and purged of anti-oxidants. Vitamin C or lemon ayakane acne-causing bacteria away.

3) significant elements of aromatherapy with lime. Bayasajanita of lemon juice to cure facial scars. Whelk rapid decline in the use of lemon juice.

4) elbow, knee, ankle of lime to remove dirt. Ruksabhaba hands and feet to remove the rice powder mixed with lemon juice and apply on your hands.

5.) equivalent to remove the skin feeling oily mixture of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply it on the face with the help of cotton. Oily skin feeling refreshed skin will be removed. If planting in combination with the fire, but quick wash. In that case, extra dry skin may lemons.

6) to remove the excess oil from the skin quite effective mixture of lemon juice and milk. A large part of half the lemon juice to cut. Now with 10 tablespoons of liquid milk and mix well. Slowly massage the face, wash after 1520 minutes. Lemon oil, skin moisturizer keeps skin away and milk. This mixture must be careful around the eyes.

7) If an egg white with one tablespoon of lemon juice and half of the orange-like paste of lemon juice mixed with warm water and apply on the skin. 0 minutes. After the dry wash in cold water. Oily skin coloring as well as the brightness increases.

8) Take out the juice of a large lemon, cut in half. Then mix two tablespoons of honey mixed in the face, leave it for 15 minutes. Wash in cold water tightness of the skin coloring. Honey skin will be bright. Lemon natural skin bleaching times will be more fair.

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