The cigarette contains toxic substances that compromise the health of the skin. In general, people who smoke tend to experience premature aging, blemishes, and other blemishes.
The wrinkles of the person who smokes are different from those of someone who does not have this bad habit. The skin inevitably suffers from the harmful effects of smoking, both directly and indirectly. What does this mean?
The direct effects are those that are produced by the contact of the smoke with the skin; meanwhile, the indirect ones are those that appear as a consequence of the toxic substances that travel through the bloodstream after inhaling tobacco.
Aside from being a very harmful habit to health, smoking causes changes in the nails, teeth, hair and, above all, the skin. Specifically, it is a factor that accelerates the aging process, since it increases exposure to free radicals.

How does smoking influence the body?

When a person smokes, they are introducing tar (related to the development of cancer), carbon monoxide, nicotine and irritating substances (responsible for many respiratory diseases) into their body.
The large amount of free radicals that are generated alter the balance between elastase and its major regulator , the alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (regulator of the cell membrane), causing a decrease in the production of collagen by causing the breakdown. of the elastic fibers that support the skin and give it its resistance.
This lack of collagen leads to dehydrated skin, with loss of volume and smoothness that, in a short time, begins to present wrinkles. Because of this, wrinkles in people who smoke tend to be more pronounced than those of other people. Also, they occur much earlier.
The carbon monoxide that is present in the smoke, causes the cells not to fulfill their functions correctly, since it limits the capacity of oxygen transport through the blood, making it difficult for it to reach the skin. Consequently, this substance also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Nicotine causes vasoconstriction and decreased peripheral circulation. This chronic ischemia leads, in turn, to low levels of vitamin A. In addition, nicotine is the cause of addiction.

The cigarette contains toxic substances that increase cellular aging. Consequently, the skin deteriorates and the body develops diseases.

The smoker's wrinkles: effects of smoking on the skin

Toxic compounds in tobacco are not only harmful to health, but negatively affect the appearance of the skin. New wrinkles begin to be glimpsed, the acceleration of the aging process and the lack of luminosity (dehydration and dull tone). Tobacco also leads to the appearance of spots on the face and around the fingers.
The smoker's wrinkles are deeper, narrower and can be seen much more concentrated in certain areas. Furthermore, wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) and those around the lips (barcode) are evident A large number of them are concentrated there and with remarkable depth.
Smokers' skin color varies from that of non-smokers. This is not pink as it can be evidenced in healthy skin, but it is paler, closer to grayish yellow.
All these manifestations tend to be more noticeable after the age of 35. The incidence on the skin is directly proportional to the degree of consumption, although smoke also influences passive smokers .

Smokers' skin not only tends to age prematurely, it develops blemishes and turns pale.

Recommendations to combat the effects of tobacco

  • The main thing, for obvious reasons, is to quit tobacco.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet that contains antioxidants, specifically vitamin C and trace elements (iron, iodine, manganese, etc.). Also, foods that contain flavonoids, such as green leafy vegetables.
  • Adopt a daily and consistent skin cleaning routine.
  • Exfoliate the skin once every 15 days to remove dead cells and stimulate skin renewal.
  • Perform antioxidant and anti-aging lip treatments. There are masks for this.
  • Use sun protection factor , since it has been shown that skin aging is enhanced when smoking and sun exposure are combined.

The smoker's wrinkles are more pronounced

The toxins contained in tobacco not only affect the appearance of diseases, but also affect the health of the skin. So the smoker's wrinkles appear prematurely and tend to be more pronounced.
It is necessary to abandon this bad habit to avoid these consequences. In addition, it is convenient to adopt a skin care routine that includes the daily use of sunscreen.

The wrinkles of the person who smokes

The cigarette contains toxic substances that compromise the health of the skin. In general, people who smoke tend to experience premature aging, blemishes, and other blemishes.
The wrinkles of the person who smokes are different from those of someone who does not have this bad habit. The skin inevitably suffers from the harmful effects of smoking, both directly and indirectly. What does this mean?
The direct effects are those that are produced by the contact of the smoke with the skin; meanwhile, the indirect ones are those that appear as a consequence of the toxic substances that travel through the bloodstream after inhaling tobacco.
Aside from being a very harmful habit to health, smoking causes changes in the nails, teeth, hair and, above all, the skin. Specifically, it is a factor that accelerates the aging process, since it increases exposure to free radicals.

How does smoking influence the body?

When a person smokes, they are introducing tar (related to the development of cancer), carbon monoxide, nicotine and irritating substances (responsible for many respiratory diseases) into their body.
The large amount of free radicals that are generated alter the balance between elastase and its major regulator , the alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (regulator of the cell membrane), causing a decrease in the production of collagen by causing the breakdown. of the elastic fibers that support the skin and give it its resistance.
This lack of collagen leads to dehydrated skin, with loss of volume and smoothness that, in a short time, begins to present wrinkles. Because of this, wrinkles in people who smoke tend to be more pronounced than those of other people. Also, they occur much earlier.
The carbon monoxide that is present in the smoke, causes the cells not to fulfill their functions correctly, since it limits the capacity of oxygen transport through the blood, making it difficult for it to reach the skin. Consequently, this substance also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Nicotine causes vasoconstriction and decreased peripheral circulation. This chronic ischemia leads, in turn, to low levels of vitamin A. In addition, nicotine is the cause of addiction.

The cigarette contains toxic substances that increase cellular aging. Consequently, the skin deteriorates and the body develops diseases.

The smoker's wrinkles: effects of smoking on the skin

Toxic compounds in tobacco are not only harmful to health, but negatively affect the appearance of the skin. New wrinkles begin to be glimpsed, the acceleration of the aging process and the lack of luminosity (dehydration and dull tone). Tobacco also leads to the appearance of spots on the face and around the fingers.
The smoker's wrinkles are deeper, narrower and can be seen much more concentrated in certain areas. Furthermore, wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) and those around the lips (barcode) are evident A large number of them are concentrated there and with remarkable depth.
Smokers' skin color varies from that of non-smokers. This is not pink as it can be evidenced in healthy skin, but it is paler, closer to grayish yellow.
All these manifestations tend to be more noticeable after the age of 35. The incidence on the skin is directly proportional to the degree of consumption, although smoke also influences passive smokers .

Smokers' skin not only tends to age prematurely, it develops blemishes and turns pale.

Recommendations to combat the effects of tobacco

  • The main thing, for obvious reasons, is to quit tobacco.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet that contains antioxidants, specifically vitamin C and trace elements (iron, iodine, manganese, etc.). Also, foods that contain flavonoids, such as green leafy vegetables.
  • Adopt a daily and consistent skin cleaning routine.
  • Exfoliate the skin once every 15 days to remove dead cells and stimulate skin renewal.
  • Perform antioxidant and anti-aging lip treatments. There are masks for this.
  • Use sun protection factor , since it has been shown that skin aging is enhanced when smoking and sun exposure are combined.

The smoker's wrinkles are more pronounced

The toxins contained in tobacco not only affect the appearance of diseases, but also affect the health of the skin. So the smoker's wrinkles appear prematurely and tend to be more pronounced.
It is necessary to abandon this bad habit to avoid these consequences. In addition, it is convenient to adopt a skin care routine that includes the daily use of sunscreen.

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